Sen. Franken's Statement on the Confirmation of Sonny Perdue as Secretary of Agriculture

Press Release

Date: April 24, 2017

Senator Al Franken released the following statement on the Senate confirmation of former Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue as Secretary of Agriculture:

"In Minnesota, where one-in-five jobs is tied to agriculture, farmers and ranchers help make up the backbone of our economy. But right now, our ag communities are facing some major challenges-for example, Minnesota dairy producers are trying to dig out of an awful price slump that's being exacerbated by unfair foreign trade practices.

"Last week, I traveled across the state and made several stops to talk with ag leaders and local farmers about what's on their minds, including the next Farm Bill, a strong Renewable Fuel Standard, preventing another avian influenza outbreak, and of course, ongoing threats to the dairy industry. I supported Sonny Perdue because I'm hopeful we can find common ground on these issues, among many others. I'll also be challenging the new Ag Secretary to strongly reject a plan by President Trump to cut funding for the USDA by more than 20 percent-a move that, if approved, would devastate the American farm economy and put the livelihoods of Minnesota families at risk."
